Please confirm blade size prior to ordering. We do not offer free returns on orders with incorrect blade sizes. Blades that have been custom engraved cannot be returned or refunded.
- Trusted By The Pros
- Fast Shipping
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Pro Stock Blades are the same high quality product as retail level blades, but may be personalized for a professional player or team.
-may be used
-no warranty
We will select the blades in the best condition based on your selection.
I recently purchased a set of lightly-used 272 Pro Stock Bauer FLY-TI Runners with a Velvet S profile. Delivery was quick, almost half the price of retail and they are awesome. A big difference from my Bauer LS5 Carbon blades.
Switched my sons blades from the Bauer Zuperior profile to the Skatescribe PowerCut profile without telling him before practice. At the time he was playing Bantam A. He immediately could tell a difference, got a little irritated, and made me switch them back. Started skating and then told me to switch them again because he found that as a defenseman he could start skating backwards faster and overall had better agility with the PowerCut profile. Now playing Varsity hockey in MN, this is the profile and 1/2 FBV is what he likes best.
During shipping to BC, the blades were damaged by the carrier, leaving me without blades just three days before my game. Ty immediately stepped up and, without hesitation, overnighted a new set to ensure I was ready in time. The service was absolutely outstanding!
Fantastic value and very fast delivery.
A+ all around
As an over 40 player, new skates won't make me faster. I've tried. Working out won't make me faster. I've tried, a little. These blades, with the ellipse profile, actually made me faster. As an Enginner I have to qualify that. I'm not actually faster, but my acceleration is much better. Granted, I'm getting smoked by the college kids at pickup, but not as bad. These really made a huge difference. They're perfect. I started skating the way I used to on slates i had a few pairs ago. I guess I had a good profile a few skates ago. Overall I'm very excited over these new blades. Ll, and looking forward to hockey more than ever.