puck on ice

CCM Replacement Skate Blades

hockey player with have the edge written across
Fill out a quick assessment and get matched with a blade selection and complete performance setup. Your blades are the one piece of equipment that have direct contact with the ice so selecting the right ones are crucial. We can help.
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Tydan Performance Blades are made to fit the CCM 4.0 and CCM XS holders and are designed to maximize your performance on the ice.  

Whether you are looking to replace worn out or new CCM or Step Steel skate blades Tydan Performance Blades are the right runners for the fit and feel you are looking for on the ice.

Designed with skating performance and quality in mind using high quality steel and tight manufacturing processes.  Tydan Blades are the choice of hundreds of NHL players plus thousands of amateurs and professionals around the world every year

Add a custom profile and a matching hollow to further enhance your performance.  If you need a recommendation you can CLICK HERE to get an EDGE assessment report specific to your skating style, ability and size.

Tydan Blades can come fully profiled, hollowed and engraved ready to skate in as little as 48 hours to your door.